Global Auction Showcases 125 Artworks in the November 2024 Auction: “Southeast Asian, Chinese, Modern & Contemporary Art

Global Auction is thrilled to present the online auction “Southeast Asian, Chinese, Modern & Contemporary Art,” concluding[…]

Featured Artist ~ Eimer Peters

“The camera is my tool. Through it I give a reason to everything around me.” – André Kertész […]

Cerita Kaca Indonesia Exhibition

CERITA KACA tidak hanya ingin memperkenalkan kembali seni lukis kaca yang semakin terlupakan, tetapi juga menyuarakan kembali[…]

Featured Artist ~ Flora Rikin

In this DIALEKTIKA Photo Exhibition, it was fascinating to see how dialogue, conflict in eternal reality and[…]

Favourite Picks saat di Hongkong

“Live your life by a compass, not a clock” Stephen Covey Hongkong selalu menawarkan pilihan bagi para[…]