The largest architectural exhibition in Indonesia, ARCH:ID, was held again by the Asosiasi Arsitek Indonesia (Indonesian Architects Association) on 22-25 February 2024 at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition BSD City, Tangerang. This exhibition is an annual event as an architectural forum & exhibition that functions as a platform for actors and stakeholders in the field of architecture & construction industry. Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Deputy Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Angela Tanoesoedibjo, had the opportunity to open this exhibition, which is the largest and most prestigious architectural exhibition & conference in Indonesia.
In her ARCH:ID speech on Thursday, she appreciated IAI’s initiative to collaborate with PT. CIS (Concept, Innovative and Strategy) Exhibition which has consistently held this annual event. IAI General Chair, Georgius Budi, explained that in its fourth edition, this exhibition raised the theme of Placemaking: Tolerance. Where this theme highlights the role of architecture as a bridge to build harmonious relations between humans, city development & nature conservation, which is integrated with technology.

Georgius hopes that ARCH:ID this time can become a space for stakeholders, especially in the architecture subsector, to share ideas, and experiences and build networks. It becomes a space where Indonesian architectural stakeholders from upstream to downstream together build architecture as part of civilization. The Indonesian Himpunan Teknik Iluminasi Indonesia (Illumination Engineering Association) participated by presenting a booth and holding a talk show with the theme Public Space Lighting as inspiration for observers of the world of lighting & construction in 2024-2025.
Practitioner of the Ikatan Arsitek Lanskap Indonesia (Indonesian Association of Landscape Architects), Ir. Bintang Agus Nugroho, GP, said that holding ARCH:ID as the largest architectural exhibition in Indonesia is in line with IALI’s vision of supporting sustainable architecture. Support for this bond in sustainable architecture has also been consistently echoed for a long time, for example in the judging of Design Ideas for the National Capital Region. Yes, this exhibition not only presents a world-class conference but also presents various programs as an opportunity for professionals/practitioners, brands & stakeholders to share information, discuss the hottest issues, and discuss the latest products, services, and technology.

By paving the way for innovations that are relevant not only for Indonesia but also for global challenges, this exhibition becomes more than just an architectural exhibition, but also a manifestation of collective aspirations to create better spaces through architecture and design. For further information about this exhibition, please visit arch.id!
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